I’ve started my next book!
The working title is “Faith Is..” I’m writing about the actual substance of faith as described in Hebrews 11, and it’s really exciting. It approaches the invisible realm through the window of quantum physics and science, and focuses on the fact that faith is a noun, the “substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.” Faith is stuff that exists in the quantum realm and is readily accessible to those who know and trust God and who know how to get that “stuff” to manifest physically.
I’ll be revealing a few ideas now and then so check back often to read the updates. Here’s an excerpt from Chapter 1:
“So here [in Galatians 2:16] we see that we are justified through the “faith of Christ” not by faith in Christ. Belief is not the same as faith. To “have faith” is not the same thing as “to believe.” To “have faith” means to be in possession of something that was originally a quality of Jesus, and He has freely given it to us as a gift. To “believe” is our part: it’s based on our decision to act on the knowledge that we have been given the faith of Jesus. Faith is a noun, to believe is a verb.
Same story in Galatians 2:20 and Romans 3:22. Both verses state that we have the faith of Jesus within us.
We are literally the righteousness of God through the faith of Jesus Christ toward all us who believe.
So, what then does it mean to have the faith of Jesus rather than having faith in Jesus as we’ve been taught?
To have faith in something is a decision you make. For example, you choose to have faith in your spouse to remain faithful to you. That’s a different meaning of the word. Remember, we’re talking about how biblical faith is defined. Biblical faith is “the substance of things not seen.” In addition, as we just learned, it’s something we receive from Jesus, not something we must muster on our own.
So we don’t struggle to “have faith” like it’s a verb. We already possess faith because it’s a noun. Faith is stuff. The Bible can talk about “having little faith” because, although we’ve been given the limitless faith of Jesus, yet we often use only a tiny portion of what we’ve been given. It’s like you’re making me a latte and I give you a gallon of milk, but you only use one teaspoon of milk in my latte. I could accurately complain by saying “Oh you of little milk!” It’s not your lack of milk that caused the problem but your reluctance to use what you were given!”