Sunday, December 22, 2024
Quantum PhysicsScience

Science Experiments With the Unseen

Imagine two people who know each other well, for example a husband and wife, talking with each other in a relaxed atmosphere for a half hour or so. Then they are separated and placed in chambers through which no electromagnetic radiation, no communication, nothing can pass. Electrodes are attached to their heads to monitor brain activity. One of them is shown certain pictures, bright colors, or other stimulus.

And responses to these stimuli are measured in the other person’s brain.

The laws of physics require that information of any kind must have a carrier. For example, your cell phone signal arrives into your phone via electromagnetic waves traveling through space. These words arrive at your eyes via reflected light waves. The sounds you are hearing arrive at your eardrum via sound waves in the air. The image of the moon you see at night arrives at your eyes via light waves from the sun reflected off the surface of the moon. The images of the surface of Mars are transmitted by electromagnetic waves which require a long time to get back to planet Earth, so that the images we are seeing are already twelve minutes old (more or less).

All information requires a carrier.

But in our experiment above, there can be no carrier. The chambers these people are in block out all possibility of a carrier signal getting through.

This is an actual experiment done by universities and others studying the phenomenon of what is commonly called ESP, or extra sensory perception. And it proves that something is going on that defies the known laws of physics. Physics requires a carrier. There can be no carrier. Yet information gets through.

As Christians, we believe in the existence of another realm that exists outside the realm of science and physics, a realm of existence that does not necessarily obey the laws of physics. Does this experiment prove the existence of such a place? While it does not necessarily “prove” its existence, nevertheless the results are consistent with what we recognize as the spiritual realm, that place where we believe spiritual realities and spiritual activities reside. We have words of knowledge and words of wisdom, we have inclinations that show us truths that we would otherwise have no way of knowing. We trust in the ability of God’s Spirit to communicate to us, and that communication takes place in a way and in a realm that does not need to obey the laws of physics.

It will be interesting, as time passes, to see how modern science interprets some of the things that quantum physics is revealing about the nature of reality.